Because your big beautiful heart is used to wanting to please everyone else first, it's going to take real practice letting your own well being take the drivers seat.
When you start putting what is best for your well being in the driver seat, at first you’re gonna feel like a fish out of water. Because your heart wants to please everyone else first. Your nature doesn’t want to let anyone down. And your not very well versed in tending to your own needs first, on purpose. You may feel like you’re being selfish, but you are not. You are being mindful, in trying to figure out the best way to maintain a healthy balance of the needs and wants of everyone in your world (finally including your own as important). With practice you’ll be able to compassionately say no to someone else’s wants ahead of your own needs. Because need always trumps want, and you will acknowledge your future self won’t benefit from your people pleasing. It is not selfish to have ‘integrity for yourself’ in your decision making. Wanting to practice this is the first step, consistent practice makes progress, and continuous practice will add up all the little steps in a big way! Your healthy well being is important and worthy. Your emotional body is the most powerful creative energy on the planet, it doesn’t serve anyone best when you neglect it.